Some time after age 40, you will generally begin to notice problems with reading up close, including that feeling that your arms “aren’t long enough” to hold a newspaper or magazine at a position where you can read it clearly. If you already wear glasses, this generally means you will need to begin wearing multifocal lenses to continue to see clearly at all distances.
Progressive lenses are a newer technology that behave like bifocals, but have no visible line. Progressive lenses are designed for people who just want one pair of glasses that can cover most of the things they do in the day without needing to take glasses on/off, or keep switching between different pairs. Progressive multifocal lenses provide a more natural correction – instead of having just two powers like bifocals, progressive lenses are true “multifocal” lenses that provide a seamless progression of many lens powers for all viewing distances.
Finding the right progressives for you
Buying progressives can be confusing as prices vary from $100 through to $1,500 depending on where you go, and which lenses you select. The difference is not just in the price though – more expensive lenses have better technology designed to increase the clear areas, and improve the wearer’s comfort. At Mr Foureyes, we have taken an approach of offering a premium lens at a far more affordable price (from $350 for lenses or $550 for complete glasses with progressive lenses).
It is important that we see you in person so we can measure up your glasses to ensure the perfect fit. For this reason, this service is currently only available in-person at our Hataitai workshop. Reglaze customers can still order online; if you are interested in purchasing complete glasses with progressive lenses, please contact us to see how we can help. We will need your prescription and your frame type to give you a quote.